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This might seem counterintuitive, but in reality, its the Democrats who should try to keep Trump in office and the Republicans who should try to impeach him. Let me explain:

The Democratic Party, in the post election period, has fractured. The task has been great to unify the liberal Clintonians and the more left, progressive Sanderites. The rift was on full display in the DNC Chairman election where more Clintonian Tom Perez narrowly defeated the more leftist Keith Ellison. As it stands, the greatest source of unity in the fractured party has been this odious attitude towards Trump’s actions and agenda. Bringing all the anti-Trump Americans onto one side is the status quo of Democratic progress. One can see this tactic in the campaigning rhetoric by Democratic Candidate Jon Ossoff in Georigia’s 6th District Special Election. To this end, not impeaching Trump, keeping him in office, helps mend the party and grow its prowess. President Trump is an IV drip of poison to the Republican ticket come 2018 and 2020 elections. The longer he stays in office, the more political capital Democrats will be able to gain in the future. Impeaching does not seem like a good option to this extent. Also, keep in mind that he largely cannot get anything done in Congress. He has been unsuccessful so far. However, imagine if he is actually impeached. Mike Pence would then step up as President. This would be a major win for Conservatives. Pence has an impeccable record of following and passing Republican policy and talking points. With his normal temperament and deep ties to politicians on Capital Hill, he, not Trump poses the biggest threat to Democratic Party values. If Democrats impeach Trump, Pence’s Conservative agenda would come through like water pours over a breached dam. To this end, it would not necessarily be out of the question for Trump to be turned on by his own party. The Republican base is weary of the bull-in-a-China-shop president and his unruly nature that is costing Republicans dearly in polls. It seems that the responsible thing to do would be to impeach him and let a stable Conservative like Pence take over for pushing the agenda.

If Democrats want to win, they ought to play the long game, letting the Republican Party be poisoned by Trump. Suffering for four years now will pay off immensely in the 2018, 2020, etc elections. On the other hand, Republicans should rebrand their message under Pence, deposing Trump. Pence, not Trump would satisfy voters in creating the change that Conservatives want to see. Impeaching Trump would usher in the reign of Pence, a sight Democrats cower at while Republicans cheer for.

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