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Spacey’s Bad Acting

Hey guys, I know it’s been a while-sorry I’ve been busy with college and start of the school year stuff, but I want to get back to blogging. One thing that has got me really interested back into contemporary affairs is the whole business of Kevin Spacey. Back when he was a young actor, he […]

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Recently, a study was published that claims 99% of National Football League athletes, who donated their brain to science, were suffering from CTE, or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. This disease is a degenerative brain condition, leading to emotional, cognitive, and behavioral problems. The main cause for CTE is multiple hits to the head over a long […]

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Affirmative Discrimination

As 10th graders prepare to start the college process, 11th graders are about to send applications, and 12th graders are about to start freshman year. However, deeply seeded throughout the whole process towards college is a policy known as affirmative action. This policy lets colleges and universities boost or lower certain applications based on their […]

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De Blasio’s Misstep

This past week, the G20 International summit took off in full swing. Leaders from around the world gathered for the annual economic forum. Central Bank Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Presidents came to check in on the global economy and work on the future. Chancellor Angela Merkel presided over the events in Hamburg. Many watched in […]

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Foreshadowing for 2018

Last week, I gave an autopsy of 2016. On the flip side, I want to offer my predictions for 2018, given the current political zeitgeist: As midterms become the central focus of altering the course of Trump’s administration. Every TV network, Newspaper, and Radio is going to frame this election as a “Referendum on Trump”. […]

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Sam’s Autopsy of 2016

In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s uncanny defeat, the Democratic Party has been left in shambles, torn in many directions. However, the most concise description is a faction of Center-Left liberals like Tom Perez and Hillary trying to cozy up to the rising tide in the party of Left Progressives, many of whom are socialists, […]

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Baseball, Latin, and Politics

On Wednesday, June 14th, all major news bulletins lit up with reports of a shooter at a practice for the Congressional Baseball Game. Republican Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot in the hip  remains in critical condition. He, along with 3 others, were shot by a crazed Jame Hodgkinson. Later, it was reported that he […]

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Flip Flop

This might seem counterintuitive, but in reality, its the Democrats who should try to keep Trump in office and the Republicans who should try to impeach him. Let me explain: The Democratic Party, in the post election period, has fractured. The task has been great to unify the liberal Clintonians and the more left, progressive […]

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Courtesy in Disagreement

No discussion needed, there is the right way and the wrong way to disagree with one another. The great thing about our country and the election process is the principle that all ideas matter. Many people might not share the same perspectives on issues such as same sex marriage, healthcare systems, etc. Different perspectives, and […]

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Follow the Money, See Where it Goes

The right to free speech has been the hallmark of maintaining democracy in the United States. However, speech itself has changed dramatically in the country. With the creation of radio, television, and the internet most recently, it is increasingly easy to spread information. Politicians quickly saw how easy they could spread their message with a […]

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