Why we need to care about international trade
No matter what news outlet you’ve turned onto in the past few months, it was plastered with coverage of President Trump’s first actions in office. Most people know the basics: the travel ban, foreign trips, speculation about the wall. Despite how informed the constituency is on these highly publicized issues, there is one important issue […]

Sam’s Autopsy of 2016
In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s uncanny defeat, the Democratic Party has been left in shambles, torn in many directions. However, the most concise description is a faction of Center-Left liberals like Tom Perez and Hillary trying to cozy up to the rising tide in the party of Left Progressives, many of whom are socialists, […]

Third Party Threat
Because I was only 17 when the last Presidential election took place, people often ask me who I would you have voted for in the general election if given the chance. People that know me and my political views expected my answer to be Hillary Clinton, I usually respond by saying, “Gary Johnson”. Of course, […]

Baseball, Latin, and Politics
On Wednesday, June 14th, all major news bulletins lit up with reports of a shooter at a practice for the Congressional Baseball Game. Republican Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot in the hip remains in critical condition. He, along with 3 others, were shot by a crazed Jame Hodgkinson. Later, it was reported that he […]

A Plan for Defeating ISIS
For years, the Obama administration struggled to fight ISIS and their increasing power in the Middle East. Even though Obama permitted drone strikes in the Middle East, the Trump administration must increase their force against the terrorist group to defeat them for once and for all. In order to do this, I have a few […]

Liberalism vs. Leftism
There is a clear difference between liberals and leftists. The problem we face in America is not the “liberal media” or the “liberal agenda” but the leftist agenda and the leftist media. According to Denis Praeger, “liberals are no more leftists than they are rightists.” In the past 60-70 years, classical liberal values frequently appear […]

Flip Flop
This might seem counterintuitive, but in reality, its the Democrats who should try to keep Trump in office and the Republicans who should try to impeach him. Let me explain: The Democratic Party, in the post election period, has fractured. The task has been great to unify the liberal Clintonians and the more left, progressive […]

Trump tramples America’s relations, but is he, ironically, saving Planet Earth?
Many Americans have reacted harshly towards President Trump’s recent decision to withdraw America from the Paris Agreement. They feel that it is his worst choice yet. They feel that he is abandoning years of hard work and negotiation. In some ways, they are correct; Trump’s bold judgement will prevent America from upholding its progressive and powerful […]

Courtesy in Disagreement
No discussion needed, there is the right way and the wrong way to disagree with one another. The great thing about our country and the election process is the principle that all ideas matter. Many people might not share the same perspectives on issues such as same sex marriage, healthcare systems, etc. Different perspectives, and […]