Recently, a study was published that claims 99% of National Football League athletes, who donated their brain to science, were suffering from CTE, or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. This disease is a degenerative brain condition, leading to emotional, cognitive, and behavioral problems. The main cause for CTE is multiple hits to the head over a long period of time a.k.a a career in the NFL. Ever since the link between football and concussions was brought to light by Dr. Omalu, the NFL has tried to improve its image on the issue. However, at 99%, it appears that it may very well be too late.
Similar to the smoking epidemic, they tried to silence studies that could affect their business. However, it is 2017 and the NFL will have hell to pay when regular people start taking a second look at the dangers. The NFL as of now has yet to comment on the ground breaking study. However, this is a turning point, echoing a time of reform withing the sport. I predict new restrictions will be placed on types of hits, pads will be improved, etc. Junior leagues will also be reformed, but it is unclear how strict leagues and parents want to be. Along these lines, as with tobacco, it might not be too extreme to see state or federal governments start regulating the sport more. The time has come for average people to recognize how dangerous this sport is in its current state. That is to say the sport is not inherently dangerous so long as proper precautions are met. New impact technology is always improving. Players are more aware of their actions. But, clearly, we need to make some improvements on the most popular sport in America in order to keep our players safe.
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